Replace your thoughts

Reshape your brain

Revitalise your life


Mindfulness Compassion Meditation


We believe that Healthy Minds lead to Healthy Lives

Our aim is to find ways to sustain balance in our body systems and avoid depletion of our inner resources. What depletes you? Worry, stress, anger, regret, guilt, comparing yourself to others, holding on to the past, doing too much, saying yes too often, trying to please others, not feeling in control or overthinking? I could go on. Of course, there are many factors that deplete us; lack of sleep or exercise or a bad diet, but a common factor is that our thoughts about ourselves and our experiences often drain and exhaust us.

We are interested in finding out what strengthens and sustains us, particularly in relation to our mind and thoughts. We create a safe and supportive space for you to discover your inner wisdom through mindfulness, compassion and meditation practices to help you move from feeling depleted to feeling nourished. Replacing your thoughts, reshapes your brain to recreate your life in a way that is more healthy, sustainable and resilient.

Our Offerings

  • Weekly Meditation Groups

    An opportunity for regular practice, meet like-minded people and gain ongoing support to help you in your mindfulness journey. Monday mornings and Wednesday evenings.

  • Mindfulness Mentoring

    Small group or 1-to-1 Mentoring provides space for growth. Realise your true potential as you are supported in your mindfulness and personal journey.

  • Workshops & Retreats

    Workshops to explore a theme and deepen your practice in a particular area. Half and Full day Retreats for rest and reset - a great way to go deeper with your practice.

“That idea of sustaining ourselves is the key. The present moment, when approached in the right way, actually gives us nourishment.”

— Larry Rosenberg

Meet Liane

Liane Webb is a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher – Professional Level with the International Mindfulness Teacher’s Association.

Liane’s passion is enabling people to see the good in themselves and discover their authentic self.  Her aim is to empower people by teaching them about their brain and body so as to navigate stress, burnout and dis-ease with the intention of becoming resilient, sustainable and healthy.

Liane has facilitated groups for over 20 years in the national probation service, forensic mental health, alcohol recovery and teaching mindfulness.  Liane has a Master of Science Degree in Forensic Psychology and she is dedicated to continue learning to support her personal and professional development.

“I have experience of mindfulness facilitators previously but Liane has taken it to a whole new level.” - Jim